Mortal Kombat Movie : 9 Actors Reportedly In Talks For Reboot

Mortal Kombat Movie Cast
Mortal Kombat Movie Cast For Reboot

Mortal Kombat Film – The Past.

The M.K film that released in 1995 was a tremendous hit back in the day, it was built on an incredibly thin budget, but the audience responded positively as the story stayed true to the roots of its source material, the award-winning Mortal Kombat gaming franchise. The same successful Mortal Kombat film had a sequel; the creators called it Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, ironically this film was so freaking bad that it totally annihilated the reputation of the first movie as well as killed all the hopes of the studios in creating any live-action content based on Mortal Kombat in the near future.

After few years, Mortal Komat made its live-action debut on the small screen by Mortal Kombat Conquest, the show had some good stories to tell, it focused on Kung-Lao, but with less than a B-movie budget, bad acting, and weird show timings caused the show to shut down.

Mortal kombat Movie


Mortal Kombat Web Series – Mortal Kombat Legacy (One Of The Best)

On the other hand, the Mortal Kombat video game that started it all was still one of the most selling games in the international market. Producers knew that there is immense potential hidden behind Mortal Kombat story arc, and they need to strike a proper balance between the quality and the budget, plus they need to go more gritty and dark. That’s where Mortal Kombat: Legacy came into the picture, and it was everything that the fans craved for all these years. It was not a Mortal Kombat movie, but it was a very detailed web-series that focused heavily on character development. This show was the brainchild of Kevin Tancharoen, who is currently part of nearly every Superhero TV show on CW. Even though Mortal Kombat: Legacy has a tremendous fan following, the season 3 is not able to lift itself from the production hell for unknown reasons!

Mortal Kombat Legacy

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Meanwhile, we are getting regular news feeds and confirmations about a big budget Rated R Mortal Kombat reboot from Warner Bros with James Wan (Star Trek & Fast and Furious fame) as the producer, and the Australian mastermind advertisement director Simon McQuoid as the Director. Ed Boon, the father of the Mortal Kombat franchise, will be overseeing this project as the Creative head. 

Greg Russo is responsible for developing the script; he has even created the first draft of the movie, that’s currently being polished. According to various interview calls with him, we got to know that Warner Bros wants to keep this reboot very close to the current fashion of the Mortal Kombat games in regards to the fighting style, blood, gore, violence, and grittiness but they want to reduce the scale of the movie. It seems like a good idea to start from smaller enemies so that characters can be developed appropriately for the future Mega Battles of the Outworld, and other mystical realms of Mortal Kombat.


Is It In Good Hands?

McQuoid is hugely popular in the advertising world, his visions are unique, and he has created content for brands like Beats By Dre, Playstation, etc. However, he has not been tested for a big-budget movie such as Mortal Kombat. But we still think the project would still be in good position at this moment because James Wan is in the producer’s chair and he has a decent exposure to movies like these. If he can harness the creativity of McQuoid while imparting his stylistic filmmaking abilities in this film, the results could be out of this world. The fan base wants to see another Mortal Kombat desperately, so the need for this is present, but we surely don’t want half-assed attempts on this movie like Mortal Kombat Annihilation.

Mortal Kombat Reboot – The Latest Updates!

James Wan was getting bugged by the reporters at an event to give an update on the film’s progress, and he has clearly stated that “Neither he or the studio is going to rush on the M.K Movie project.” In our opinion, a perfectly executed M.K movie can rip apart the Hollywood box offices across the globe, but they need to do the required fan-service, and they shouldn’t get carried away by focusing too much on creating a Trilogy or a Sequel. They should concentrate on creating an excellent martial arts movie with magic, and Mortal Kombat characters, quite frankly that’s all the audiences wants at this point. Later, they can expand different realms of the Mortal Kombat, different races, the internal politics, elder gods, and one-being, etc.


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Mortal Kombat Reboot – Rumored Casting Choices.

There are also many casting rumors on the internet, we tried to chase them down to the source, and we did found some of them to be accurate. We have filtered the garbage rumors, and listed the ones that had some relevancy or backing behind them. Having said that, even these are just rumors at this point, and none of them have been confirmed by Warner Bros directly. Here are the names of the actors who have been reportedly approached for discussing their availability for filming a new Mortal Kombat live-action film:-

9) Jax – Michael Jai White

Jax’s character in the game is known for his earth shattering Metal Arms, and the crazy fatalities executed by them. To be frank, Michael J White is born to play Jax; he has the attitude, acting chops and the physical similarities to Jax’s character. He is so freaking ready to play this role that you can get him on the sets today, and he will pull-off Jax’s character. And if you are a loyal M.K, you may remember him playing the role of Jax in the Mortal Kombat Short movie “Mortal Kombat: Rebirth” and later revived his role as Jax in Mortal Kombat: Legacy as well. Michael is a real life badass; he is an actual Martial artist and someone who doesn’t need to train for this role, he is the JAX that we all want in the reboot film. He has confirmed that he is involved in the upcoming film at various comic book conferences last year, by the way, if you ever bump into him, don’t forget to get an autograph, he is a down-to-earth fellow who genuinely loves his fans. Especially, Mortal Kombat ones.

Michael Jai White as jax Mortal Kombat Movie

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8) Sindel – Linda Hamilton

Sindel’s role wasn’t explored properly in the sequel, she did gain some screentime, but it was not enough for the audience to connect with her in any way. On top of it, the actress’s pathetic acting made the character unbearable to watch. However, if we go by the rumors, James Wan’s team is trying to recruit the bad-ass Linda Hamilton. She is the same lady who kicked Terminator’s metal ass in both the original Terminator movies. Linda is keeping herself away from acting these days, but according to fan sites, she is considering this role for her big-bang come-back! She is still physically strong, and her age suits the character as well. It would be fascinating to see her in the shoes of Sindel in her witch-like glory as the Queen of Shao Kahn and evil mother of Kitana.

Linda Hamilton As Sindel - Mortal Kombat Movie

7) Jonny Cage – Chris Pratt

Jonny Cages has always been a fan-favorite right from the beginning. His wise quips, Johnny Bravo humor, and charming personality has given him a distinct recognition in the franchise. Chris Pratt is tailor-made for this character, and the rumors tell us that he is the one Warner Brothers want in the upcoming Mortal Kombat film. If they are approaching an A-Lister actor like Chris Pratt, it clearly shows that they are not messing around this time. Chris Pratt will take the role of Jonny Cage to a whole new dimension, and with the vision of James Wan, these guys can create magic with Mortal Kombat’s source material. It would be interesting to see if they can actually find a free slot on Chris Pratt’s schedule in next three years. He is booked till the brim with other big-budget franchises like Jurassic World and Marvel movies. But if they can get all the ducks in a row from script to budget, we are pretty sure Chris Pratt will be on board for this one.

Chris Pratt As Jonny Cage - Mortal Kombat Movie

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6) Kano – Jai Courtney

Trevor Goddard had his heart in the right place when he played the role of Kano in Mortal Kombat original movie. His performance was almost like we all expected from Kano’s personality. Even today when we think of Kano, the first thing comes up in our head is his version from the film. It would be like juggling frogs to find someone who can trump Trevor’s delivery as Kano, but we have heard that Jai Courtney is currently on target for this role. Now, this would have got our alarm bells ringing if we haven’t seen his acting in Suicide Squad. That guy brought life to the stale character of Captain Boomerang; he even made us want to see more of him in the movie. Jai Courtney could totally bring a new angle to Kano’s character, but he needs to act the way he did in Suicide Squad rather than being “stoic” like his previous performances.

Jai Courtney as Kano - Mortal Kombat movie

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1 Comment

  1. Oh FFS, not Kano, Jax, Sindel and the others again……..been there, seen that.

    I wish they’d adapt the Deadly Alliance, Deception or Armageddon storylines for once

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