8 Easter Eggs And Veiled Details From The Second Wars: Rogue One Trailer.


Another Rogue One trailer has released and it’s stacked with treats. It’s got amazing visuals, that notable Star Wars symphonic score and the vehicles and costumes we love from the original trilogy. Furthermore, it has a lot of Easter eggs to pick over and theorize about. Here’s a look at them…

1. U-Wing

We know that the Rebel Alliance adores its letter-shaped vehicles, and Rogue One is adding another to the fanciful pantheon of X-wings, Y-wings, and A-Wings, B-wings. Presently there’s the U-Wing which is the UT-60D. It’s a vehicle/gunship utilized as a part of battle circumstances to drop soldiers into fight and cover fire for them so they can make it safely. One cool element of the U-wing is that its s-foils and can slide in reverse to give it a more conventional look. Pilots can use this component for airborne support. The U-wing may have taken its inspiration from the Y-wing, as they appear to have strikingly comparable cockpits.


2. Death Star Turned Upside Down

Having watched films and TV shows set in space for many years, we have a tendency to overlook that out there, there’s no such thing as upside down or right side up. Rogue One appears to comprehend this. This is the first Star Wars film, in which we’ll see a somewhat more precise representation of space science. We’ll presumably still see enormous blasts in space and most characters completely unaffected by the nonappearance of gravity.  However, with regards to space’s absence of direction, the Star Wars franchise is taking a note from genuine science rather than sci-fi.


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