Rogue One International Trailer Offers New Clues On Jyn’s Father!


The upcoming Star Wars: Rogue One promises to be one of the best yet! In a daring move by Disney they are releasing the first spin-off in a series of movies to come that will be stories of their own.

Last week we were given a glimpse into the new film with the newest Star Wars:Rogue One trailer. But a new international version includes more footage! Which reveals details on how the rebels came to their knowledge of the Death Star plans.

The trailer reveals that the plans were leaked to the Rebellion by non-other than Felicity Jones character “Jyn Erso’s” father.

Her character in the movie has been estranged from her Father since around the age of 15, we don’t know why. There are two theories as to how they became separated.

One being; She was separated from her Father against his will. Or two; He is guilty of conspiring with the Imperial Empire.

We are betting on number one.

madds Mikkelson

What we know about Mads Mikkelson’s  character , ‘Galen Erso-is that he is one of the brightest scientific minds in the galaxy, and he has discovered a vital piece of information about the Death Star. He was quoted at the Star Wars Celebration last month saying: “He at one point invented something so beautiful, so fantastic, that it might have changed the universe” 

I imagine that the Empire would love to get their hands on Galen, and that Jyn, his daughter has a way of locating him. Whether she knows it or not.

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