Infinity War Merchandise Reveals War Machine’s New Armor


When we saw him last, James Rhodes was really in shambles. An army veteran, Rhodes became famous as War Machine, a superhero in a Tony Stark designed armor. His War Machine endeavors suddenly halted when friendly fire brought him crashing down to terra firma. By the end of Captain America; Civil War, James Rhodes was lying partly paralyzed and not much hope of his return as War Machine.

However, things seem to have changed. The Avengers: Infinity War trailer showed Rhodes back with his wings, and now an officially licensed T-shirt has given us a clearer look at his new armor. In case, you wanted Rhodes to equip himself with deadlier shoulder-mounted tech by Stark, rejoice as your wish has been fulfilled.

In the end scenes of Civil War, a hint was given to Rhodes making a comeback to battle readiness aided by a device built by Tony Stark. Whether this device is the reason behind the various new steel layers cocooning Rhodes, remains to be seen, but, we can be sure about one thing. Whoever wishes to try and get War Machine out of his armor won’t find it easy.

Releasing in theaters on May 4, the Anthony and Joe Russo movie Avengers: Infinity War stars Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan and Benedict Cumberbatch.

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