10 Things That Make Batman Awesome And Unbeatable!


The reason is not that he is the Batman.

There is such a huge mystery and aura around the Caped Crusader that people are not able to fathom that even Batman faces problems similar to any other hard-working human being in the pursuit of difficult goals.

Batman has such an impeccable record due to the hard work that he puts in his missions and a brain that can solve the most difficult problems. He has always won despite not having any superhuman powers.

1. He prepares for every possible situation.

Batman is a master planner, and his preparation guarantees his success. He is familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of all his friends and enemies and prepares relentlessly for the future.

Anybody can beat Batman, but, nobody can beat a well-prepared Batman. 

2. He is not overwhelmed by anything or anybody. 

Batman has no fear. He has taken on rivals who are always wiser and more powerful than him, but, that is never an issue that weighs on his mind. He never surrenders easily.

3. He gives his all to the pursuit of his targets.

Batman has a reputation for being crazily dedicated to his mission, to the extent where he can beat his rivals to a pulp. He is fierce and absolutely focused because of this.

4. Because he doesn’t a moron like Joker get to him

There are idiots and manipulators who try to ruin the lives of good people all over, and Joker is right on top of the list of such people. Despite the gruesome things that Joker did to Batman, he could never push Batman to do insane or uncontrolled things.

In short, The Joker never got hold of the Batman.


5. Batman has nothing to lose, and wealth matters nothing to him.

You can’t frighten someone who has nothing to lose, and the only person close to him is his butler. You won’t be able to hold this guy to ransom.

This coupled with the fact that he has no love for wealth makes him a man who has no attachment to the material world and has no soft corners in his heart.

6. Batman’s principles are cast in iron, and he follows them to death.

That’s why he is successful, and that’s why he is good. However, that is also why his enemies benefit from him.

7. He has such mind conditioning that he has a steely resolve.

We all get disheartened and distracted by failure. However, the Batman’s work is such that he has experienced a great deal of failure. Any failure of Batman also implies that innocent people get hurt.

Irrespective of the outcome, he gets up the next night and steps out to work.

To be perennially a winner, you need to have a will that’s not melted by the heat of failure, fear or criticism.

8. He is extremely flexible and modifies his ways according to the situation or the enemies.

Enemies and challenges can be of any shape, size, and kind. To prevail over them, one needs to be ready to be flexible and make changes as needed at all times.

Those who don’t change can’t win as much as those who adapt quickly.

Batman is so fluid in his ways that he rarely faces a situation where he is not able to find a way out. 

9. He wins because his strength is his brilliant mind and not muscle power.

Batman has a great and strong physical body. However, it is his brain which is his most potent weapon. He has fought even alien geniuses and brainiacs, but, has always managed to beat them.

The lesson to learn here is that it is your intelligence which prevails over all situations.

10. He is brave enough to do things and take decisions which others can’t.

Even when eternal glory beckoned him, he decided to take the fall. He sacrificed his own life and lives of various sidekicks in the pursuit of something that he believed in.

He was strong enough to take the right steps and do what was the right thing, even if it made him a villain in the public’s opinion.

Some ungrateful people still term him as an anti-hero because he did great favors to unworthy people.

We regularly read about horrible crimes and watch the news, yet, we shrug things off. However, Batman doesn’t take it lying, and he embarks on a fight that is difficult and never-ending, yet, people judge him.

That’s why Batman is awesome, and that’s why he wins no matter what battle lies in front of him.

He has done good things for those who don’t consider him to be good yet he sleeps content at night knowing that he is providing protection that they need.

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