10 New Images From Star Wars – Rogue One Movie Will Take Your Breath Away!


As we are slowly marching towards the release date of the Star Wars: Rogue One, new information about this experimental and anticipated “War Movie” in space is being unraveled. Recently Ew.com has released never-seen-before pictures of the characters and the Stylish-freaky Storm troopers. The movie is helm by Gareth Edwards, and this movie is slated to release on the December 14th, 2016. This is the first time, Star Wars is changing the “Tone” of their movies on the big screen, and only time would tell, how the movie is going to be? Let’s not ignore the elephant in the room, because we have seen fans having reservations about this film. Recently in the news, were the re-shoots done for this movie, because it felt “Too Dark” for the Disney officials and they wanted to lighten up the plot. There are a lot of constants working against and in the favor of this movie. For now, let’s enjoy the pictures of Rogue One that gives us a tiny-winy peak inside the realm of Rogue One. Enjoy!





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