10 Hidden Facts About Most F#ucked Up Character “Names” In Star Wars!


In working on a fictional universe such as that of Star Wars which is filled thousands of characters, there can arise the dilemma of naming the characters. It is quite understandable that there can be and are many occasions when coming up with an original name is a challenge.

But oftentimes, Star Wars writers and creators have been found guilty of coming up with character names that are so obvious that they are ridiculous. They strain credibility until they break. When I say this, I am talking about names that lack any subtlety or nuance, often so literal and on the face that they tell you everything you need to know about the character. Mind you, names can be indicative of personality without being ridiculous (we are reminded of Charles Dickens here). Other times, the names come from what we can only be perceived as a lack of creativity on the writer’s part.

There are so many of them on the list. One of the few that comes to the mind is Salacious B. Crumb and George Lucas’ Revenge of the Sith character Chairman Papanoida. There are innumerable others but for this list, I have selected what I felt were ten of the most ridiculous names, in no particular order, in Star Wars.

1. Savage Oppress

The name of Darth Maul’s Zabrak brother is as obvious as it gets. Star Wars: The Clone Wars simply took the word Savage (meaning barbaric) and Oppress (meaning to persecute), merely a slight shift and change in the enunciation (giving the ‘g’ a ‘zh’ sound as in Dr, Zhivago). But alas, it was impossible to ignore that somebody working on Star Wars just took the two words and slapped them together. Just in case, you somehow missed the meaning of the name while watching it, Savage’s brother is named “Feral.“ Yes, you heard it right.


2. Elan Sleazebaggano

Sleazebaggano is the guy in Attack of the Clones who sold the Death Stick. Remember the guy with Wolverine sort of hairdo who Obi-Wan Kenobi ran into briefly in a bar onCoruscant’s lower levels? That’s him.In the Star Wars universe, a Death stick is an illegal substance, which makes Elan Sleazebaggano, well, an illegal dealer. Wow Lucas, way to deliver the point home.


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