Latest Doctor Who Might Just Be Vegan.


PETA is not new to having outlandish expectations from celebrates, and it seems like the famed TV show Doctor Who has finally caught up on their radar. The animal rights organization recently wrote an open letter to the minds of the show to portray the new Doctor as a vegan.

The letter began something like this:

“We at PETA – like so many devoted Doctor Who fans worldwide – are excited to see Jodie Whittaker step into the Doctor’s shoes.

But before she begins to navigate her way through space and time, we have a request we hope you’ll consider: make the character vegan.”

The basis of the argument was the proposed love of the Doctor for all life forms. The organization felt that this universal love would make no sense if the character is portrayed eating meat and its by-products.

“Eating dead animals simply doesn’t fit with the Doctor’s moral compass since, as Christopher Eccleston so aptly said, the show has ‘the central message of love for life in all its forms.

Not only is switching to a vegan diet infinitely kinder to animals, it’s also one of the best ways to protect planet Earth, as animal agriculture is a major producer of the greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Considering all the benefits that eating vegan has for a person’s heart, it’d be doubly beneficial for the Doctor!”

“Vegan foods really have come a long way since the nut cutlets of the Sixth Doctor’s time – there are tasty options readily available to suit every appetite (even if that’s for faux-fish fingers dunked in soya custard). We hope the new Doctor will join us in taking a stand for animals and inspire others to switch to a healthy, Earth-friendly, life-saving diet,” the letter said in conclusion.

The letter was from PETA director Elisa Allen, who firmly believes that the show runners would take her request under consideration. It must be noted that the new Doctor is to be portrayed by Jodie Whittaker, who would be the first woman to play the role. Whether the voice of PETA is heard in the top rungs of the Doctor Who team remains to be seen. Till then, you could sleep in peace believing the Doctor still loves fish fingers.

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