IT Movie: Stephen King Reveals Name Of His Horror Classic That Is Heading To Cinemas Next


Those who loved IT can now expect another frightening Stephen King novel’s cinematic adaptation, but, which one is it?

It has turned out to be an astonishing success globally and now Hollywood Studios are racing to find any King novel that can be filmed.

The Losers Club team of Pennywise are already reigning as the most successful horror movie in the history of US box office and have totally eclipsed the forgettable performance of another King story, The Dark Tower.

Therefore, a lot of talk is now centred on the next out and out horror classic suitable for film adaptation.

The author himself spoke about the novels that are being readied for the big and small screen adaptations.

Andres Muschietti, the director of IT has openly admired Pet Semetary, however, he is presently committed to making the second part of It. Thereafter, he will direct the film adaptation of the iconic anime franchise Robotech.

Plan B Entertainment owned by Brad Pitt has bought the movie rights of the Stephen King short story The Jaunt and Muschietti is lined up to direct that one too.

Recently King spoke to Vulture and discussed about other novels that are generating lot of interest and one of his most renowned books that might be moving over from TV mini series to a big screen venture.

King said: “There’s talk about doing The Stand as an extended TV series, possibly for Showtime or CBS All Access, and there’s been some interest in developing Salem’s Lot as a feature, probably because people are saying, ‘Well, we took an old miniseries called It and turned it into a phenomenon, so maybe we can do it with something else.”’

Nothing succeeds like excess!”

He also confirmed about the possibility of Insomnia being developed as a VR show.

He said: “You just never know until it’s gonna happen, but the VR thing is still percolating away. I don’t think it’s dead or anything like that, although I haven’t heard about it lately. There’s talk about another thing, an animated feature, but I can’t tell you anything further — it’s a secret. That looks like it might happen.”

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