Felicity Jones Hot : 10 Steamy Hand-Picked Shots!


Felicity Jones has become a legend in the Science Fiction universe, and will always be remembered as Jyn Erso throughout her career, all thanks to her impeccable performance in the mega blockbuster hit Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This British actress has become an iconic idol for young girls, who have been struggling for several years to find a heroine with whom they can relate to in the usually male-dominated geek ecosphere. In this post, we have gathered all the amazing tidbits about Felicity Jones, along with our hand-picked collection of her hot pictures that will reveal a very secret side to Felicity Jone’s personality that was hidden by the stoic and rigid persona of Jyn Erso in Rogue One. Without any further ado let’s hop onto to the good stuff:-

1) Sony Wanted Her As “Black Cat” In Amazing Spiderman Movie Universe.

After the collapse of the Amazing Spiderman movies, the involved project team revealed that Felicity Jones was their top pick for Black Cat’s portrayal. When Felicity Jones got to know about this, she confirmed that she would have picked up this role in a heart beat. In fact, in one of her interviews, she even asked her fans to launch a petition to get her hired for this job. We believe that Felicity could have been the best choice for Black Cat’s role, but this idea will never get materialised because now we have a teenager Spiderman played by Tom Holland in the Marvel Cinematic universe, and we don’t really think that Marvel is in a mood to make Black Cat a Milf by casting Felicity Jones, even though that idea sounds too damn tempting.

Felicity Jones hot

2) Felicity Jones has bagged nominations for all the big awards in the industry.

Felicity played the role of Jane Hawking in “Theory of everything” and that movie attained plethora of critical acclaims from around the globe. Felicity ended up getting nominated for best actress i SAG, BAFTA, Oscars, Golden Globe, and pretty much every god damn award that deals with professional films in Britain and America. We do not want to spill any beans on her role in the movie as we recommend all readers to go ahead and watch “Theory of Everything”. It is hands-down one of best drama movies ever created in the modern cinema.

Felicity Jones sexy


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