10 Intricate and Depressing Details About Darth Vader’s Costume.


We all love Darth Vader’s personality; there’s no doubt about that, but we also get morally challenged when we try to justify his grotesque deeds. He has killed a bunch of force sensitive children right in front of our very eyes. Once you start to run on that chain of thoughts it, we start to hate ourselves for liking someone like Darth Vader. However, on the other hand, Vader had a tough life, he was confused, manipulated and played by the dark side. He took decisions that were influenced heavily by someone else, but he was the one who did all the wrong things, and this cannot be changed.
After getting burned in “Lava” incident facilitated by his own mentor and best friend, Obi-Wan; Vader almost died and he had to wear customised containment suit all his life to reduce the continuous pain on every inch of his body. Vader’s suit is not ordinary, and it’s a sophisticated piece of complex technology that will blow your mind. Let’s find out what sort of cool things Vader’s suit has under its hood!




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