Looking to cash in on a lifetime of saving and taking precious care of those old Star Wars toys? Well, we have compiled a list of 5 of the most expensive Star Wars Action figures that are out of this world!
These are very rare action figures and when you see the prices of these Star Wars toys, some of you will not believe it! From $12,000 and more, some of these things will make you pinch yourself to make sure you are actually seeing things straight…
We will go from #5 to #1, but be ready to “Hold On” for a crazy ride from your childhood that may leave some of you wishing that you would have held onto that toy you used to have…
#5 Vlix- $4,000
A rare Glasslite (Packaged) Vlix can go for thousands of dollars on the net! And it likely to increase in value as more time goes by and Star Wars gets passed onto future generations
#4 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Double-telescopic lightsaber)- $6,000-7,000!
This Obi-Wan is part of the original 12-back release in 1978. This Obi-Wan action figure is one of, if not the most sought after action figure ever. The figure comes with a telescopic saber which can be very fragile and was difficult to produce. Kenner switched to the much simpler one piece lightsaber very quickly making this piece so rare.