‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Will Decide the Direction of Finn and Poe’s Relationship


This piece is for those who love “StormPilot” or the bond between Star Wars: The Force Awakens duo of Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac).

It seems that among the various things to be seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a clear direction to be given to the Finn/Poe narrative.

Mashable recently had a chat with The Last Jedi cast during a press tour of the movie and John Boyega was questioned about StormPilot and whether the Episode 8 will go on to cement the Star Wars first clearly gay couple on the big screen.

This is what Boyega said:

“I’ve watched the film, and I will confirm, that will be confirmed in The Last Jedi — you will know exactly which way it’s going. Seriously, you’ll know, by the time you watch it, you’ll know.”

A lot of fans would want to imply after reading this as the conclusive proof of Poe and Finn discovering more than friendship in the movie, but, we would advise not jumping the gun. The Star Wars makers have been hinting for long about clearer LGBTQ representation in their franchise, however, Star Wars: The Last Jedi might not highlight that in a significant way.

The character of Admiral Holdo played by Laura Dern has been declared LGBTQ in a novel linked to Episode VIII, however, for those fans who wish to see more variation in the series that was inadequate. The fans have been talking about it ever since The Force Awakens released in cinemas, and we will shortly find out whether they would get it or not.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi will release in theaters this Friday.

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