Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek Movie Will Be Violent And Profane Just Like All Other Tarantino Films


Earlier in October, Star Trek: Discovery stunned all Star Trek lovers with the franchise’s first ever mention of an F-word. It was a shocking thing, but, it might pale out in comparison to the direction that the Starfleet is headed to.

At the start of this week, rumors started doing rounds about the famous filmmaker Quentin Tarantino meeting J.J. Abrams, producer of Star Trek movie to talk about directing the next cinematic outing of the franchise. Everyone was stunned as it was totally unpredictable. Tarantino has not been associated with science-fiction, and he prefers working on his own original stories and not well set cinematic universes. It appeared to be more unlikely than defeating the Kobayashi Maru, and the news led to a large number of “Klingon, motherf**ker, do you speak it?” jokes on the web.

However, Deadline has reported that the meeting went very well. J.J. Abrams, as well as Paramount Pictures, are in agreement with an R-rated Star Trek film, which might be because Deadpool and Logan turned out to be great box office winners. “That rating was crucially important to Tarantino,” Deadline stated (We believe it did).

Mark L. Smith (The Revenant) is speculated to write the script based on a concept from Tarantino. However, Tarantino is first focusing on a movie about the 1969 Charles Manson killings.

There are no details whether Tarantino’s adaptation of Star Trek would cast Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto who have been contracted for a Star Trek Beyond sequel or an entirely new cast. In case they do come back, we can be sure that Michael Madsen will chop off Spock’s pointed ears, in the Reservoir Dogs-fashion.

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