Star Wars star John Boyega Condemns Game of Thrones For Absence of Racial Diversity


We have caught wind of how the film and TV industry frequently confronts criticism for not being as racially comprehensive as it ought to be.

It has been said earlier and this keeps on being one of the most heated points of debate in the business. Right now, we have heard on absence of racial diversity in Game of Thrones. Presently, in another interview, John Boyega has lashed out at Game of Thrones for its absence of racial diversity.

We know that John Boyega is celebrated for his part in the new age Star Wars movies. He’s been vocal on the issue of racial differences and he discussed the same thing, referring to Game of Thrones.

He stated :

“There are no black people on Game of Thrones. You don’t see one black person in Lord of the Rings.”

All things considered, there have been a couple of black characters on Game of Thrones. Nevertheless, we see his point about under-portrayal. He went ahead to state :

“I ain’t paying money to always see one type of person on-screen. Because you see different people from different backgrounds, different cultures, every day. Even if you’re a racist, you have to live with that. We can ruffle up some feathers.”

He has a point there, wouldn’t you say?

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