Star Wars : Battlefront Sequel Is Going To Have Story Mission Unlike It’s Predecessor “Only Online”


Star Wars Battlefront was seen as one of the most promising games of 2016. However, it felt short on many levels and left many fans disappointed, to name some of the pain points, it doesn’t have a story campaign, it’s servers had severe connection issues, and the limited online maps made it mundane with in a week. However, EA and DICE, who are the creators of the original Battlefront game are going to fix all these issues in the sequel. They have even announced that the sequel is going to have a story mode, here is what the producer of DICE has to say about the Battlefront 2:-


“Myself as a Star Wars fan, I want story, I want narrative, I want something I can play that immerses me in that world but gives me something to follow and chase,” said Keslin. “We don’t want it where single player isn’t that great but multiplayer has this great thing and isn’t connected.”


Paul also added that his team has been studying various trends and gaps during the development of the DLCs like Death Star Map and new content for the Rogue One. The sequel is going to be bigger and better at all levels. EA is so far happy with the success and sales of the original Battlefront. This game is slated to release in fall 2017!

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