16 Major Actors Of Star Wars – This Is How They Look Now.


When you like something truly, your brain cells register not just that “thing/person” but also other elements that existed at that particular moment. For example, all of us remember our first love, and if our high-school sweetheart happen to have a birthmark on her neck, even after 20 years if you find a guy/girl with the similar birthmark it would instantly make a connect, and that’s exactly what movie reboots or sequels are supposed to instigate in the viewers.
We all fell in love with Star Wars, and everything related to it has been imprinted in our minds, we still get excited about watching TIE fighters rocking the clouds with their laser cannons and similarly we are still able to find the serene beauty in Carrie Fisher that we saw in Leia back in the 1970’s. Our Star Wars heroes have aged, but if they spit their power dialogues once again on the big screen, we all lose our minds and start to jump in our seats with the excitement of a four-year-old. We don’t care, how many wrinkles their faces or how much soggy belly fat they have acquired as long as your sweet nostalgia is served, you can’t help but still fall in love with them. Here are some of our Star Wars heroes in their weathered outlook:-

1. Mark Hamill As Luke Skywalker


2. Natalie Portman As Padme Amidala


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