Marvel Announces Details About Wolverine’s Return


Though he had returned a few months ago in Marvel Legacy #1’s story, Wolverine’s friends appear to have remained in the dark regarding the fact that he is no longer deceased. The mutant has remained floating under the radar in the Marvel Universe, and it led fans to wonder when they will catch a glimpse of the hero. The answer to that has come in in a new teaser that promises the first clues regarding Wolverine’s return.

Throughout the month, Logan shall appear in “special after-credit scenes” found throughout some of Marvel’s “key” titles. The teasers will give information and clues as to the X-Man/Avenger’s whereabouts and like Marvel would say, “it’s all connected.”

Wolverine’s first appearances will be in Captain America #697, Mighty Thor #703 and Amazing Spider-Man #794.

The teaser follows on the heels of an image Marvel had released late last week where Wolverine was in possession of the Space Stone. The stone has some role in the character’s resurrection. Joining Wolverine were Star-Lord and Captain Marvel who also has the Power Stone and Reality Stone, respectively.

The previous teaser had involved a different date: February 2018. This will indicate that the January teaser images might lead to a big reveal soon.

“Fans have been speculating about Wolverine’s whereabouts since he first reappeared in MARVEL LEGACY #1—and the Marvel Universe is left just as unaware!” SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort said in a statement. “So keep your eyes peeled as Canada’s favorite citizen makes his presence felt in titles all across the Marvel line! It’s all leading to something—but what?”

“Mystery has always been part of Wolverine’s DNA,” senior editor Mark Paniccia added. “He’s one of Marvel’s most interesting and popular characters. Fans are going to have a helluva ride finding out where he’s been and how he came back.”

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