Star Wars: Mark Hamill Deals With Carrie Fisher’s Absence By Considering Her To Be Present


The tragic death of Carrie Fisher in December last year left friends, families, and fans stunned. Everyone was initially struck with shockwaves of grief and now it all came back to haunt them during the spring at Star Wars Celebration and now her absence is again being felt as we are all getting ready to see her last performance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi! Among those who were impacted the most was her on-screen sibling Mark Hamill, who said that he is handling the gap created by her absence by thinking of her only in the present tense.

“The only way I’ve been able to cope is to think of her in the present tense. She’s so vital in my mind even today,” Hamill told Men’s Journal. “We had our ups and downs. She was almost like a real sibling because I loved her deeply, but she could be so exasperating.”

The actress’ death caused grief and sympathy among her family and friends, but, also made fans wonder about how it would impact the Star Wars saga. The question about getting to see Luke and Leia once again come together on the big screen is still unanswered.

“It’s nice seeing them on the cover though. Even if all we have is that ” was all that Rian Johnson, the writer/director of The Last Jedi said to Entertainment Weekly about the prospective reunion of the duo.

While the director shied away from revealing about the reunion, he stated that the bond between the on-screen twins was well beyond the DNA, since they found out their family links only in Return of the Jedi.

 “It was only at the end of Jedi that they became of aware of this bond,” Johnson pointed out. “The real bond is that they’re Luke and Leia. They’ve gone through this adventure together. They’ve been through some rough stuff together.”

When she went into cardiac arrest, it never occurred to me that she wouldn’t bounce back. I just thought, ‘Well, she’s got her next book written.’ She’ll call it A Piece of My Heart or something acerbic and witty.”

Earlier in 2017, John Boyega had apparently unknowingly acknowledged about the pair having common scenes in the film.

While talking to THR about how the film dealt with giving a send-off to Carrie Fisher’s character after her sudden demise last year, Boyega had said, “I think the sendoff is really cool. Even before she passed away, I’d see her in scenes and be like, ‘This is really cool for both Carrie and Mark,’ who are the last two original leads [alive in the franchise].”

December 15 will tell us whether the reunion took place or not as that’s the day when The Last Jedi will release.

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