Justice League’s Ben Affleck Stars In A New Superhero Trailer Directed By Star Wars’ J.J. Abrams


The Terrific Ten have arrived in the debut trailer, and they quickly put other superhero teams to shame.

To celebrate Jimmy Kimmel’s 50th birthday, Ben Affleck and J.J. Abrams had surprised him with a trailer for The Terrific Ten, a comic book that Kimmel had created when he was just a child. This book had featured a character named Muscle Man, who fought to save the world against Mr. Bolt.

Affleck had starred in the trailer as Muscle Man. Kimmel’s rival Matt, Damon played Mr. Bolt. The team had boasted a star-studded cast, with Billy Crudup (Color Kid), Zach Galifianakis (Super Duck), Shaquille O’Neal (Spire), Ty Burrell (Mirgiv), Will Arnett (Meinstrom), Jason Bateman (Bendolite), Jon Hamm (Lucky Lad), Cousin Sal (Super Sal) and Jennifer Aniston (Laser Lass).

The team confronts Damon’s Mr. Bolt in a funny stand-off, as he releases one of his greatest weapons, The Bleachmaster, a box of bleach played by Wanda Sykes.

The trailer has all the characters making fun of how terrible the team is, given that they were created by a nine-year-old.

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