Check Out The Fantastic New Spider-Man Playstation Trailer!


Just as anticipated, a fresh Spider-Man trailer came out today during the Paris Games Week Sony event. However, it didn’t focus on the adventures of the superhero, rather, it gave glimpses about what to expect from Peter Parker.

The trailer started showing the routine life of Peter as a high school student, going through the halls and talking to others which include a worried adult who asks if he needed money (he refused to say that he is trailing only a few bills) and Miles Morales whom Peter introduces to some others.

As the trailer progresses, we see further details of the story and the Devil’s Breath, a plan that is aimed to destroy the city. However, the corruption has percolated beyond just one guy, especially when we see the main guy halfway through the trailer.

That gives us an idea of the Spider-Man’s powers through some action scenes including a fight with Mr. Negative on a subway car and also seeing Spider-Man run on walls and drop kicking a guy after plucking him out of a vehicle. The trailer ended with a visual of Spidey hanging upside down and wondering if he could catch his breath.

Spider-Man by Insomniac promises a great story, but, it is even better to see so much focus on Peter Parker and not just the web-slinger. We don’t know how much of that will be a part of the gameplay, but, we are glad to see Insomniac and marvel go that deeply to highlight both views of the story, and that’s not something we have seen in any earlier Spider-Man game.

Check out the trailer here and see all the new things that are going to be a part of the game and also a lot of exciting action scenes. What’s the plan of Mr. Negative? Who could be supporting him?

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