6 Characters Who May Kill Thanos


Thanos has established himself to be a very powerful character and has made lots of enemies. And it has been rumored that this titan king may not survive Avengers: Infinity War.And so, here are 6 characters whomay kill Thanos.

1. Drax:

In Iron Man #55, Kronos created DraxThe Destroyer. He took the mind of Arthur Douglas and put it in the body of an alien, Drax. Kronos was Thanos’ grandfather, but because Thanoshad a screwed up family background, this may not be surprising.

2. Nebula And Gamora:

Nebula and Gamora are adopted daughters of Thanos. Gamora is a better fighter and won his favor. Nebula had more hatred for her family. But after the sisters made up in Guardians 2, they will learn about his weakness and destroy him.

3. Doctor Strange:

Doctor Strange introduced a world of mysticism to the Marvel Universe. He traveled through the multi verse and tricked Dormammuto leave Earth in his debut movie. The titan king is known to be intelligent, so Strange might be the hero to beat him.

4. Loki:

The Asgardian god and Thanos struck a deal in The Avengers, but we know how Thanos left Loki behind when he failed to hold the deal. Loki is known to be resourceful and may be the only character whohas a chance to kill Thanos.

5. The Hulk:

Hulk and Thanos have faced each other many times in the Marvel comics. Thanos is more powerful but The Hulk has proven himself to be a warrior.

6. Captain Marvel

Carol Denvers is equivalent to Vision or Scarlett Witch, and is known as the as Wonder woman of Marvel universe. Fans may see an Infinity gem nay may mark her transition from a pilot to a superhero.

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