5 Pictures Reveal Amazing Alien/Animal Mecha-Zords In Power Ranger Movie Reboot (2017)


Alright, the new Power Rangers movie is being teased to the fans so badly, that people are going to lose their shits even if its half-good! No seriously, there is something super-crazy going behind the curtains of the new Power Ranger Reboot, the creators of this film said that people would “DIE” in the new PR, plus it is not going to be as kiddish as the original Power Ranger series. On top of it, they hired some really cool serious actors like Bryan Cranston for the movie, who has also commented that – “This movie is going to be a Dark Knight reboot for the Power Rangers.” Either this movie is going to be BIG BANG HIT, or its going to drown so bad that nobody would even touch this franchise for next 30-40 years for the big-screen. They recently launched the teaser pictures of the “Zords” (The huge mechanical robots that combine to form main Mega-Zord) of each Ranger. We are not sure, what to say, because the graphics are still looking damn cheap to us on these posters. Anyways, we will not jump to the conclusion until we see the final trailer for this movie. However, for the time being, have a look at these Zord Posters for each Power Ranger in the upcoming Power Ranger Reboot:-

1. Pink Ranger


2. Black Ranger


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