From do it yourself projects to $22,000 home planetarium. We have found the coolest geeky gift ideas that you will ever see! Keep in mind the price tags of these amazing Geeky Gifts can be sky-high, and some may be just right for some of our tight budgets. Either way, you will not believe what you are about to see!
As a fellow geek myself it is almost always hard something that actually interests me. Do you have the same problem? And of course with the access to everything imaginable on the internet these days, we have seen almost everything. But these amazing geeky gifts that we have for you here are very rare and quite honestly, most of them are for the people who have a few grand or more to drop on something that is just plain cool. But may not be a need, yes some of these are rich boy toys. It is sure nice to take a look through the window sometimes though isn’t it?
The list goes through a plethora of toys and gadgets that will even make us old school geeks say “WOW”! the list consists of an actual Nintendo NES electric guitar, a tie fighter music box that is over 22k dollars! to some stuff that we actually can afford like a floating Death Star Bluetooth speaker that will rock your world (pun intended)
Sit back relax and enjoy a look at these truly unique ‘Geeky Gifts” from around the world, who knows, maybe some day they will be available to all of us…
1. Death Star Floating Speaker
2. Millenium Falcon Purse