Avengers: Infinity War: Who Will Enter The Death Pool?


Over the past couple of months, Marvel Studios’ cast and crew have stated that Avengers: Infinity War will be the beginning of the end for what we know as the MCU. Between the upcoming movie and the fourth Avengers movie due in 2019, Phase 3’s conclusion will not just wrap up storylines but will wrap up heroes.

Infinity War is going to result in a few casualties, many of which fans are not going to be happy about . But that does not mean you cannot make some money off the tragedies. Here is is a list of MCU characters that will most likely not make it:

Winter Soldier – Odds 6:1

The MCU had squeezed a lot of life from Bucky Barnes and his transformation into Winter Soldier. After rescuing him from Hydra during the second Captain America movie, Steve Rogers had delivered the longtime best friend to the Black Panther in Wakanda. Barnes has been on ice but thaws out in the trailer to lend a hand to the Avengers. Like Loki, he “died” once in the MCU, so any mortal danger he will face may be more permanent this time.

Iron Man – Odds 5:1

Captain America might be “The First Avenger,” but we all know that Iron Man kicked off the entire MCU in 2008. He has 3 standalones, co-headlined Civil War and has mentored Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming. He has often spoken about not wanting to don his suit and hopes to lead a quiet life with Pepper Potts. Stark is not as likely a goner as other Avengers and associates. If Marvel wanted a storytelling symmetry, they would not kill him off until the last Phase Three film…

Loki – Odds 4:1

The God of Mischief had faked his death once in Thor: The Dark World. The brief glimpse that we are given of Thor’s stepbrother shows him offering the Tesseract to someone. Loki weaseled his way out of dangers, but it is hard to see how he would figure into Infinity War‘s plot since he was the antagonist for the first Avengers flick.

Vision – Odds 3:1

Fans haven’t yet gotten much of The Vision in the MCU. While he was a pivotal third act addition to Age of Ultron, his storyline only inched forward during Civil War with the broad outlines of a relationship developing between Scarlet Witch and himself. We know the Mind Stone is what gives Vision his self-awareness and independence, so it’s not surprising to see what looks to be a Black Order member forcibly extracting it from his forehead in the trailer. The question, therefore, isn’t whether or not Vision will “die” per se, but more of what that death will look like. Will he be dead in the traditional sense, or will he revert back to a variation of J.A.R.V.I.S.? There’s a slim chance he could survive via some other technology or cosmic artifact, but seeing as how that hasn’t been hinted at so far, The Vision as we know him may very well cease to be in Infinity War.

Captain America – Odds 2:1

Although the MCU kicked off almost ten years ago with Tony Stark becoming Iron Man, it’s Captain America that has really held together the roster since his debut back in 2011. As such, Steve Rogers is, sadly, an extremely likely candidate to meet his demise at the hands of Thanos. The death of Captain America would be an incredibly effective and emotional turning point in The Avengers’ fight against Thanos and would serve as a great starting point for the team as they head into their final Phase Three movie. It’s not a certainty that Steve Rogers will sacrifice his life for the greater good, but all we’re saying is that you’ll probably wanna bring some Kleenex to the theaters in case he finally gets to grab that dance with Peggy Carter.

Pepper Potts – 1:1

The first scene of the Infinity War trailer all but confirms the demise of Ms. Potts. It’s hard to think of who else’s bloodied hand Tony Stark would hold while he’s doubled over with grief, so a surprise Thanos attack that incidentally claims Stark’s longtime love certainly seems just about a done deal. Of course, Iron Man could be mourning someone else, but c’mon. Who else would Stark lose his cool over? Happy Hogan? Wait. Happy, too?!

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