Avengers Are Watching Justice League Trailer In Hilarious Fan Video


Trailer mash-ups are not a novelty. However, YouTube has given fans a platform to unleash their creativity by making videos featuring their beloved movie characters in a different setting. Some of the recent such videos include Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice being made into Wayne to mimic Logan and Suicide Squad being recreated in the video game world of Fallout 4.

While it was revealed only yesterday, the latest Justice League trailer has already seen a fair share of parodies. A highly viral trend is pitting the DC’s superhero team against Marvel’s The Avengers. However, one video has gone beyond that.

YouTube channel DrMachakilhas depicted the collision of the cinematic universes of Marvel and DC by creating a funny mash-up of Avengers’ reaction to the trailer. While everyone on the internet wanted to check how Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman look, it seems that Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and the team were also keeping an eye.

The video is based upon the party scene that we saw early in Avengers: Age of Ultron, although, this doesn’t show the Avengers being interrupted by the arrival of Ultron, by the screening of the new Justice League trailer on their widescreen display. The trailer is shown in full, interspersed with how various Avengers react and express worry and feeling of doom while looking at the Zack Snyder’s DCEU outing’s footage. The really funny segment is the one when the Justice League trailer ends with Thor throwing his mighty hammer at the screen and Banner saying “Oh, it’s definitely the end times.” Vision says, “Well, they’re going to show up again. The risk is far greater if we do nothing.” The video then signs off with some funny clumsiness displayed by Scott Lang in Ant-Man.

Those fans who are unwaveringly loyal to either Marvel or DC might not be too pleased with the trailer which already implies that the Justice League is going to be the best superhero film ever, or stating that nothing can compare with the impressive series of Avengers film which started after Iron-Man debuted in 2008.

Irrespective of what side the comic book film fans support, everyone would agree to Vision saying, “competition is good” because it will ensure that neither Snyder nor the Avengers co-makers/writers, Anthony and Joe Russo take it easy. Comic book film fans are knowledgeable, and they demand respect as well as a faithful portrayal of the source material. Therefore, this funny Avengers/Justice League mashup serves as a reminder that everyone is keeping an eye and expects Marvel and DC directors to stay on top of their game.

Source: DrMachakil

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