10 Actors Considered For The Expanded Universe Movie : Thrawn That Never Reached Production Phase.


The Expanded Universe is now known as the “Star Wars Legends”, but name is not the only thing that was changed, Disney wanted to start afresh by removing the convoluted elements of the Star Wars expanded universe that have caused continuity issues, at the same time wanted to keep the relevant parts alive as “Star Wars Legends”. Before George sold the Lucas films to Disney, there was a movie that Lucas wanted to create based on the successful Thrawn Novels of Expanded Universe; Lucas was working with Joss Whedon (Avengers Fame) to bring this story to the big screen. The movie was going to feature some of the big guns of the Expanded Universe like Darth Bane, etc. However, all of it went for a toss, when Lucas sold the franchise to Disney. Involved members told that this movie idea was actually pitched by Joss to Lucas, and Lucas liked it. People who have read the script say that this movie could have been the absolution of George from the sins of prequels. Many great movie and game ideas like these were chewed and spit away as part of the mergers and acquisition. The movie was going to be a big budget venture because the actors who were being considered are heavy hitters! Have a look at the characters that were gong to be played by these actors in a Star Wars movie that could have been a great galactic adventure.

1. Benedict Cumberbatch as Grand Admiral Thrawn


2. Julianne Moore as Mara Jade


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