Warner Bros. Waiting For Justice League Performance To Give Green Signal To Flashpoint


It won’t be wrong to say that we got a rap on our bottoms when the Flashpoint film was announced during the San-Diego Comic-Con in July this year. Agreed that Warner Bros. had been interested in the cinematic adaptation of the story, but, we had been hoping for an origin story and not to see one of the most telling DC Comics edition of this decade.

In case you are clueless, Geoff Johns created a miniseries which showed Flash travel back in time to protect his mother from getting murdered. However, in the process, he messed up the timeline royally and ended up creating a darker world filled with nastier heroes. Ultimately he managed to reverse the damage, thus, allowing DC to do a full spectrum reboot in New 52. Ever since we have seen the story get converted into an animation movie titled Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox and it also served as the base for The Flash Season 3 on TV.

Although, there is no theatrical release date declared for Flashpoint, the gut feeling is that Warner Bros. are ready to go full throttle once Justice League is done with. At least that’s what the people at Meet the Movie Press believe. They revealed this week that the studio is going easy on finding a director for the Barry Allen story and they wish to evaluate the outcome of the mega movie coming up before progressing further. It is almost the same case with other films as well because it is reported that Cyborg and Man of Steel 2 are not coming anytime soon.

While Justice League is making the right noises and as per the early feedback, it will be a hit, thus, this wait and watch approach is sensible. This is not the first time that we hear about WB going slow about things. No doubt, Wonder Woman did amazingly. However, the films before that were not really biggies, and it is illogical to rush with other films before seeing how the biggest of them all fares. This doesn’t mean that the other projects will be shelved if Justice League flops, but, it is just that things might need to be redone.

As stated above, Flashpoint doesn’t have a release date yet. However, DC fans can feel good about Justice League coming out next month. This is a much talked about the film and in the gossip ever since Zack Snyder relinquished the directorial chair for Joss Whedon. The early feedback suggests that it is going to be an ‘epic’ success for DC Extended Universe. We just hope that they are not proven wrong.

Source: Meet the Movie Press

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