Nintendo Has Filed Super Smash Bros. Trademark


Nintendo has filed a fresh batch of trademarks for various games including Super Smash Bros. Japanese Nintendo has provided the news, and it points out that extra trademarks have been applied for multiple amiibo The Legend of Zelda, Splatoon and Animal Crossing. While this is not a surprise considering we were aware of Nintendo’s plans to make a Smash Bros for the Nintendo Switch. However, it is a great teaser for those who had been anticipating fresh updates about the next chapter.

Even before the launch of Switch, fans had been wondering about the possibility of Nintendo introducing a “Deluxe” port of the Wii U version of Smash Bros. to Nintendo Switch or maybe an entirely different entry. We have been witness to “Deluxe” adaptations of Wii U hits such as Mario Kart 8 and Pokken Tournament. Therefore, it seemed obvious that Smash Bros. had to be brought in as it was among the top-sellers on the platform.

We haven’t heard about a Super Smash Bros. Deluxe, and it indicates two things. It could be possible that Nintendo might have wanted to release Super Smash Bros. Deluxe till later in 2018. The standard strategy for Nintendo is to release one big game every month, to ensure that players never face a shortage of games like they had experienced on the Wii U.Now that Zelda and Mario have already arrived on the console in its first year, Nintendo would want to ensure that the 2018 lineup also has some great names. By releasing Smash Bros. Deluxe next year, Nintendo could also make it coincide with their paid online program as the leading online multiplayer game.

Then there is the fact that Smash Bros. is a vital franchise for Nintendo and it would be correct for Nintendo to move forward and create a brand new game for the Switch as they did in the case of Super Mario. The switch didn’t see Super Mario 3D World Deluxe, but, it got Super Mario Odyssey. Therefore, it would be ideal for Nintendo to create a brand new Smash Bros. which will enhance their console sales too.

No matter what, we know it will come, and we are expecting to hear about it in the near future. The moment we do, we will instantly share the news with you. Stay glued!

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