Catch The All New PS4 Pro Leaks And Features


This Tuesday, November 7 will mark the launch of the Xbox One X, world’s most powerful game console. Sony had its PS4 Pro in the market for months and Console-Deals had spotted a new PS4 that has yet to be revealed.

We have seen a white Destiny 2 edition of PS4 Pro, but if you do not want all of the Destiny emblems on the console, this is the model for you. You will have a PEGI rating in the bottom corner of the box, and it is important to note that Console-Deals spotted the new console on Smyths Toys, based in the UK.

A November 7 release date is significant and indicates that Sony is releasing it as a response to the Xbox One X. It is kind of saying, “Yes Microsoft, we see you, and we’re still here. We’re staying side by side on shelves, and we’re ready to throw down.”

The X vs. Pro Debate

We are going to make this super simple, so console warriors can check their fanboy biases at their door step. If you want to decide console to pick up this holiday season, then answer these 2 questions: What exclusives do you wish to play and where are the most of your friends playing?

If you have grown up with Halo and want to be there when the greatest Halo launches, get yourself an Xbox One X. You will have all of great multi-platform games like Shadow of War, FIFA, and Call of Duty, but you will see games like Forza and Gears of War.

If you want to play Bloodborne, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Gravity Rush, or other PlayStation staples, you must go with a Pro!

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