Mark Hamill Welcomes New Year With Awesome Luke Skywalker Meme


Successfully making it through a full year is quite an achievement in itself. Whether we consider it so for the books or the things that we’d prefer to erase from our memory, it is always difficult to cross another annual milestone.

Mark Hamill is well-versed with it. He celebrated the new year with an incredible Star Wars meme depicting his character, Luke Skywalker. Check it out below.

This “Me at the beginning of the year, Me at the end of the year” meme never fails to amuse, and generally results in hilarious outcomes. However, seeing Hamill personally pay homage to his character getting older is a pleasant and top notch.

No doubt, Hamill had a superb year, that topped out with the mega success of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and its domination of the box office.

Hamill started the year a bit sedately, beginning with the indie darling Brigsby Bear with SNL star Kyle Mooney. The film produced by Lonely Island was critically praised, and reviewers loved Hamill’s work.

Hamill also lent his voice to shows and films such as Trollhunters, Avengers Assemble, Justice League Action, Bunyan and Babe, and Howard Lovecraft & the Undersea Kingdom.

Hamill has been one of the most renowned faces promoting Star Wars, and it has not always turned out well. After the release of the movie, a lot of fans considered his comments to be his disagreement with the movie’s director/writer Rian Johnson and implied that he didn’t like the movie.

Hamill had to recently dismiss such notions and went to the extent of suggesting that Lucasfilm deliberately wrote his demise in the movie because they were unhappy with how he was promoting the film.

His political affiliations and visible criticism of the current US President Donald Trump is also well known, and it has led to a great deal of backlash against him.

It is evident that Mark Hamill has had A Year, and the meme is a precise portrayal of how he feels.

You can check out his latest performance as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, currently playing in theaters worldwide.

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