CEO Of Fox Addresses ‘Logan’ As A Potential Oscars Nominee


Superhero films are not complete strangers to Academy Awards. Warner Bros. has earned trophies for The Dark Knight and 20th Century Fox will not beat out. The studio’s CEO said that Logan deserves to be nominated for an Academy Award.

During an interview with Variety, Stacey Snider opened the X-Men movie’s Oscars shot.

“Absolutely,” Snider said. “The way it combines classic storytelling with superhero lore is brilliant.”

There is no guarantee that Logan will score a nomination for Academy Awards, but Fox is making an effort to make it happen. Earlier, it was announced that awards screener of Logan was sent to Academy campaigners.

According to Deadline, Fox has not been so aggressive in sending of awards screeners. The DVDs were sent recently so fans can look forward to the Oscars. Logan may find itself amongst other contenders.

Logan is not the only superhero film vying for an Academy Award. Warner Bros. has said it will run a campaign to get Wonder Woman nominated too. The studio tried to secure a nomination for The Dark Knight, but the film failed.

Logan has 87.61 ComicBook.Com Composite Score, second highest Composite Score of comic book movies. Logan also has a 4.5 out of 5 User Rating, the highest User Rating of any comic book movie.

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