Carrie Fischer Reveals ‘Chewbacca’ Was Cause Of Han And Leia Split!


There were some huge surprises in last years Star Wars:The Force Awakens movie. There was the fact that Kylo Ren was the son of Han and Leia. And of course; that they where not together.

But we never really got a clear answer as to “why?” Han did mention once during the film that “She wouldn’t want to see him” I believe it was? please correct me if i’m wrong, or something of that sort.  Imagine that the fact that their son had become the twisted, evil, ‘EMO’ Kylo Ren may have had something to do with it…

There is more though! And it is straight from the mouth of Carrie Fischer. And in “Frank Style” as she always does.

In a Q&A  Saskatoon Comic & Ent. Expo, She explained that Han’s profession and choice of friends were a huge problem in the relationship. “He smuggled way too much.” And was hanging out too much with that “Hairy Guy”-referring to Chewbacca!  I think there are a lot of problems with that.”

“He wouldn’t take me on that hyperspace thing enough. (That’s a) euphemism.”


Carrie Fisher will return as General Leia in Star Wars: Episode VIII, which is being directed by Rian Johnson. The film is finished shooting as of July, and is now in post-production. Star Wars VIII is scheduled to be released in December 2017.

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