7 Eightie’s Superhero Movies That You Don’t Even Know Exist!


Superhero films have turned into a noteworthy staple of the modern silver screen. However, their road to becoming popular wasn’t really smooth. All through the 1970s, ’80s, and ’90s, film and TV makers adapted comic titles with varying degrees of accomplishment. Superman: The Movie (1978), Tim Burton’s Batman (1989) and The Incredible Hulk live-action series (1977-1982) demonstrated superheroes that had screen potential. However, they were exceptions; here are a couple superhero films that people have either forgotten or never knew existed.

1. Swamp Thing (1982)

Wes Craven directed Swamp Thing between The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). It was an adaptation of DC Comics’ horror in the same name. In it, scientist Alec Holland (Ray Wise) is changed into Swamp Thing (Dick Durock) after soldiers working for the wicked Anton Arcane (Louis Jourdan) assault his lab in Louisiana. In spite of the source material and Craven in charge, the outcomes were excessively cliché, thereby making it impossible to be fittingly horrendous. The action scenes are ineffectively taken care of and the special effects for the mid-1980s aren’t much really good. Swamp Thing and the beast he battles amid the climax look like rejects from the Power Rangers. The film’s saving grace was the B-film queen Adrienne Barbeau in the romantic lead. This was a casting decision which was welcomed by numerous 16-year-old folks in the audience around 1982.


2. Fantastic Four (1994)

10 years before 20th Century Fox made its first Fantastic Four film, the incredible B-film maker Roger Corman built up his own adaptation. Haven’t you seen it? Probably not. That’s because the motion picture was never released officially, either in theaters or on video. It was just made to hold the Constantin studio’s rights to the Fantastic Four before it expired. The monetary allowance was roughly $1 million, bringing about special effects straight out of a made-for-TV motion picture from the 1970s. The movie producers must have totally come up short on cash before they finished dubbing, since it’s hard to comprehend anything Doctor Doom says. Regardless of this, it’s ostensibly the most watchable Fantastic Four motion picture to date. This is basically in light of the fact that it’s unpretentious.


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