6 Things We Learnt About “Rogue One”: A Star Wars Spin Off.

5. Die Hard Fans Have Met Forest Whitaker’s Radical Rebel Earlier On

Whitaker will play Saw Gerrera, a character presented in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated TV show. It was the first of its kind to ever traverse to a mainstream Star Wars motion picture.

The idea is to give fans one final dosage of George Lucas goodness before the space opera legend leaves the long-running adventure for good. Although we need to remind Edwards and his group that it was Lucas who concocted the ideas for Jar Binks, Watto the Toydarian and those freaking folks from the Trade Federation.

Gerrera is portrayed as the sort of Rebel even the Rebels can’t get their head around. He is an unstable presence with nothing to lose and who’s prone to messing up the mission as he is to finish it. As a more youthful man, the Onderonian resistance warrior trained under Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi for a battle against the droid armed force that was attempting to assume control over their world.


6. Droids Will Be The Main Comic Relief

One element that appears to have been overlooked altogether is that this will be the only ever Star Wars live-action film without C-3PO and R2D2. They used to keep the comic relief coming in times of pressure. We presumably ought to take the depiction of “security droid” K-2SO as the “complete opposite” of the universally adored chatty convention droid with a lot of Tatooinian salt.

As it is, Joss Whedon most loved Alan Tudyck, who’s doing the voice, is known for his comedic gifts. Edwards states that the robot “doesn’t care the slightest bit about what you think” and “doesn’t fully check himself before he says things”. This sounds like a formula for laughs to us.


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