5. Don’t Hope To See Shia LaBeouf
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull presented LaBeouf as Indy’s child Mutt. What’s more, the end of that film implied a future with Mutt as the “new Indy” in forthcoming stories. However, LaBeoufmadedisparaging remarks that harmed his associations with Spielberg and Ford. Therefore,in all probability, Mutt will not be a part of Indy’s fifth adventure.
6. Indy in the Swinging ’60s?
The initial three Indiana Jones adventures were made sufficiently close together. Therefore, Ford could convincingly play the role without being bothered about coherence. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was a prequel to the principal film, Raiders of the Lost Ark. In any case, the real-life passage of time encroached upon Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which was set in 1957, reflected the 19-year gap between it and the past film, 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. When Indy 5 arrives, an additional 11 years will have passed. This ought to put Dr. Jones in 1968. It’s a long way from his great adventures set in the ’30s. However, envisioning an Indy adventure in the Cold War is charming.