14 Astounding Facts About Boba Fett

13. Survived The Sarlacc

Let’s get this clear: Boba Fett didn’t die. As it is, while Fett unceremoniously tumbles into the Sarlacc towards the end of Return of the Jedi, the writers would later on change this in the Expanded Universe so that Fett climbed out of that hungry sand hole. In The Force Awakens, the banners at Maz Katana’s incorporate one bearing the image of the Mandalorians that Fett wears on armor. It is a skull that represents the Mandalorian Mythosaur which is a city-sized reptile that existed long back. In the event that Fett was the last individual ever to utilize this image, does that mean he’s still alive and a supporter of Kanata’s? Possibly, we’ll discover this later


14. Trained Han And Leia’s Daughter In The Expanded Universe

One of the most intriguing Boba Fett stories is highly unlikely to make it to the extra large screen. This is because it includes the little girl of Han and Leia: Jaina Solo. In the Star Wars books, Han and Leia had twins, Jacen and Jaina, and Anakin. In the end, Jacen Solo swings to the Dark Side and takes up the name of Darth Caedus. Knowing that she doesn’t know anything about hunting, battling, or slaughtering Jedi, Jaina turns to Boba Fett for training. With the assistance of Fett and others, Jaina kills Jacen and re-establishes peace to the universe.

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