10 Messed Up Cartoons.

4. Transformers: The Movie

Being a young boy in the mid-80s was to be captivated by the Transformers. The ‘robots in camouflage’ were the social wonder of the time. Toys, toons, comic books, they had everything. A list of fun and vivacious characters made it a staple of Saturday morning TV. The next evident move for the franchise? Make a film and murder everybody!

Those folks you just saw dispatched? They weren’t red shirts. They have greatly adored characters with two years of back story and real character development. Every last bit of it was dashed in a matter of seconds. Poor Ratchet didn’t get a line. What’s more, would it say it was truly necessary for Prowl to puke as he died? Can robots do that? Well, they can now!

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umwZ8qVorwo[/embedyt]

3. The Land Before Time

Few movies truly hit the point that, “This person is now dead and life is miserable therefore” more-so than Don Bluth’s The Land Before Time. A parent’s death on happens in many kids’ films. It happened in Bambi in 1942 and it will still be going on in 2042. What separates TLBT from the rest of the cases is the nerve racking juxtaposition of everything. You have this, trailed by this. At that point, only for good measure, there is that scene where, in an attack of dementia, Littlefootthinks of his own shadow for his mom and everybody on the planet really want to sob for this poor child dinosaur who is too desolate to comprehend what it is that he’s doing. It resembles the film is stating, “Man, you’re mother’s dead. This sucks. Oh wait, take a look at the small flying thingies. Aren’t they charming? Oh yes, in case you forgot, your Mom’s still dead.”

I really feel like giving a good old fashioned thumping to a T. rex.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzf0SFlicN8[/embedyt]

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