When You Find Out What Really Killed Yoda, You Will Be Heart-Broken


Yoda’s death in Return of the Jedi was a moving scene, but it did not make sense.

The Jedi was over 900 years old, but he was leaping around like a young boy in the battles shown of the prequel trilogy, which had taken place a few decades ago.

Why was he so old and frail few years later?

For a powerful creature who held on for many centuries, why did Yoda allow himself to die when the galaxy needed him?

Star Wars experts The Stupendous Wave had explained three major reasons why Yoda could not survive.

The first one is related to the master’s connection to the Force and the how Empire’s dominance drained his strength.

The site says: “The state of the galaxy was affecting Yoda. Because the Sith ruled and were in power, the Dark Side was everywhere.”

The Light Side rejuvenates the body, and this is one reason why he survived for so long.

The combined fatally with Yoda’s exile to Dagobah and the planet had natural link to the Dark Side. Yoda is regarded as the purest avatar and spending two decades on a planet emitting dark Side energy would surely have drained his strength.

The second reason Yoda allowed himself to die was to strengthen the Light Side.

The site says: “Yoda’s spirit actually contributed to the power Luke displayed against Vader and the Emperor and was able to resist the Dark Side.”

The third reason is a form of leading by example.

Luke, like his father Anakin, has a fear of death and losing his loved ones. This is not in line with the Jedi ideals, which did not allow any attachments to people and also any elevation of personal concerns. 

The site says: “By passing on himself, Yoda showed Luke this life was not a permanent one and that all life will return to the Force, as it should. Yoda showed Luke that he should rejoice for those that pass on and embrace death and in turn face death and fear, itself.”

Eternal life comes from the release of self and not exaltation, which is the Sith way. Yoda demonstrated this when he was seen as a Force ghost alongside Obi-Wan.

Yoda did not have to die, but he needed to. This was to ensure Luke’s triumph, Darth Vader’s redemption and the defeat of the Dark Side.


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