TV’s The Flash Vs DCEU’s The Flash: Who Is More Awesome And Why?


Fans love to talk about The Flash, and he is a major discussion point for fans all over. His popularity has only soared after DCEU made the announcement about a Flash separate from the one that is already existing on The CW network’s show The Flash. It won’t be appropriate to pass judgment about DCEU’s The Flash at such an early stage as he hasn’t even made an appearance larger than his TV version. However, the comparisons are already being drawn, arguments have been made and verdicts delivered among the fans. Let’s have a look at some of the facts that might influence your decision on which of the two is better.


The comic-books always depict Barry Allen to be a smart guy. However, The Flash on TV is yet to replicate that aspect perfectly. Probably, Grant Gustin is too grumpy and has the teenager’s frustration about his parents, his half-sister or maybe just because of things he did in the past. Overall, he has been a disaster for the most part. On the other hand, the DCEU version of The Flash has very few scenes in comparison to the TV Flash, yet he is a superb comedian so far. Ezra Miller has easily morphed into a much younger and excited Barry Allen, and that’s something never seen before.

Winner: DCEU’s-The Flash


As calculated by the YouTube channel Super Science, the top running speed for the TV’s The Flash was 1590 mph without him using the Tachyon Speed Enhancer which would have catapulted him to an average speed of Mach 13.2. The Flash from DCEU hasn’t yet shown his maximum powers, therefore, we can calculate his speed on the basis of the scene where he intervened to prevent a grocery store robbery, and his speed worked out to be 58.09 mph. We must also take into account that Allen didn’t test his limits, as he is known to do in the TV show.

Winner: TV’s-The Flash


The biggest difference between the TV and the Film Flash is the way they dress up. TV’s Barry Allen has been quite loyal to the costume seen in the comic books, although, the color tone is not the same. The film Barry wears a much futuristic adaptation of the suit. He also faced some controversy because of that. Films are known to come up with their own versions. However, this one has been below par.

Winner: TV’s-The Flash

Fighting Technique

The TV version of The Flash hasn’t yet faced off with any villains on his own. He might have the power of speed, but, he hasn’t shown any sort of fighting prowess that he has in the comic book. Star Lab guides him on the fighting technique and without it, he is almost a non-fighter. The DCEU version of The Flash has come on-screen and already brought his main enemy Captain Boomerang to law, all on his own. Therefore, he prevails here.

Winner: DCEU’s-The Flash

Use Of Speed Force

The most crucial aspect of The Flash’s saga is his Speed Force. The Flash on the TV has used it way more than the film version. We saw a full season devoted to the Speed Force narrative, and it showed Barry run across the future and going on to change the history that existed. DCEU’s Barry has so far used the Speed Force only once during Batman Vs. Superman when he warned Bruce Wayne about the guy called Superman.

Winner: TV’s-The Flash 

Change Of Lightning

This is not a great deal, but, one that does get noticed. The Flash, when he bolts away from whatever he was doing, leaves in his wake a yellow colored lightning. This aspect has been consistent with the TV adaptation of The Flash while the cinematic Flash is trailed by a blue lightning, which is unusual for the man. But, we know that future Barry has the standard lightning.

Winner: This one is a tie as there is no decisive difference between them.

Overall, we can say that the TV version of The Flash has more going in his favor compared to the DCEU version of The Flash because he has a much larger platform to exploit his powers. The film version has not yet been that well defined.

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