Justice League Responds To ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer


The trailer of Avengers: Infinity War has sent shockwaves across the media world, and apparently it has stunned the Justice League as well.

We are not talking about the film Justice League, but, the team Justice League. That is the concept of a new parody video created by DrMachakil who has redone the rooftop sequence of Justice League to incorporate Avengers: Infinity War. This video is not merely merging the footage from the two films, but, it shows Commissioner Gordon revealing the trailer of Avengers: Infinity War to the Justice League.

Out of all, Flash is particularly mesmerized by the new trailer featuring Thanos’ much-awaited trip to Earth. Batman is also a little bit startled, and later on, Wonder Woman expresses her wish to find out what war were they hinting at. Then Gordon begins to discuss the present condition of DCEU and everyone is gone, except the Flash.

It is a fun video, and you can check out the clip above. You can also have a look at other videos from DrMachakil on YouTube.

As shown by the Justice League, the early responses are not necessarily the proof of the final product’s performance. Justice League’s footage was first unveiled at San Diego Comic-Con, and it had a very positive response back then. After that, the film underwent several behind the scenes changes and directors were switched too, which led a section of fans to believe that the film will be a mashup of several concepts.

Finally, the film has divided the fans and critics, which has resulted in the film underperforming at the box office. Justice League has been running for more than two weeks and has made over $185 Million domestically. The film has done well internationally, and its total is $311 Million overseas which brings it to a worldwide gross of over $496 Million.

The film still has a good bit of time to increase its collections, but, Coco from Disney has spoiled the party for the film by claiming the top spot on its first two weekends in theaters. As far as Avengers: Infinity War is concerned, fans are very excited about the film and this is the eventual outcome for which MCU has been working since Phase 1. Let’s hope that Russo brothers deliver for marvel as they are also responsible for Avengers 4.

Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled to release on May 4, 2018, and Justice League is currently playing in theaters.

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