Chris Pine From Wonder Woman Disses Marvel’s “Infinity War”


Wonder Woman is crushing Tom Cruise’s “Mummy” reboot that was supposed to be the cornerstone of the Universal’s Monster-verse. We are quite sure that Gal Gadot is going to dominate the international box-office for another few weeks.

Patty Jenkins, the director of WW, has become the real savior of the falling DC Cinematic Empire, and Gal Gadot has hogged the position of the number one Superhero in the eyes of the fans, which is usually occupied by Batman or Superman.

Even the Marvel fanboys had nothing but all fantastic things to say about this movie. Maybe this is the first time where we see the crevices between the DC and Marvel fandom getting erased by their mutual admiration of Wonder Woman.

However, good things like these cannot last in the cynical world of Comic book fandom, and this time the war between DC and Marvel fans was ignited by Chris Pine, who played the cardinal character of Steve Trevor in the WW film.

In one of his interviews during the promotion of DC’s latest hit, he threw out some raspy words against the upcoming Marvel’s mega movie Infinity War. He indirectly called the premise of the Infinity War baseless and unnecessary. He said:-

“Within this genre, it’s difficult to do something new, and usually, you just see a bunch of people killing one another, in outfits and blowing up cities. Like, I know there’s a thing called Infinity War, which is like, I don’t, really, like, Infinity War? We need more war for all time?”

This is not the first time Chris has sparked battle amongst the fan realms, during the publicity skits of his Star Trek movies, he has dissed the old-school Trekkies and the fans of Star Wars franchise.

All through the interview, Chris explained, how Wonder Woman is different from other Superhero movies that rely heavily on the action sequences rather than delivering a brilliant emotional story arc with multi-layered characters.
What Chris said about the Infinity War was uncalled for, and he has once again successfully polarized the Comic Book fan base between DC and Marvel. These statements from Chris has made a ton of Marvel fans angry who are currently busy beating their Keyboards to hurl all sorts of colorful abuses on his Social Media handles.

And to honest, why wouldn’t they be angry? Infinity War is world’s biggest Superhero movie with the maximum number of Superheroes ever in a single film, and it is more than a year away from hitting the theaters.

Patty Jenkins has already confirmed that the character of Steve will appear again in other DC movies, and Chris has signed a multi-movie deal with Warner Bros. Warner Bros has already green-lit another Wonder Woman with Patty Jenkins on the director’s seat. Watch the full interview from the video below:-

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