Batman To Die? Scott Snyder Reveals Final Batman Story


If you are going to close a chapter, you may do it in style. Scott Snyder has taken this to heart for the final Batman story, a story that sounds bonkers.

The project is called Batman: Last Knight and is a collaboration of American Vampire artist Sean Murphy. The 2 have a few off the wall things planned for this book which fits with advices Snyder was given by Grant Morrison on giving superheroes “a birth and a death”. As Snyder had revealed at New York Comic Con, death is going to be surreal:

“Batman suddenly wakes up and he’s… young,” Snyder said. “But he wakes up in this post-apocalyptic wasteland, crawling out of the sand in this Gotham City that’s been ruined. He’s got the Joker’s head chained to his belt, but it’s alive and like, ‘You gotta move, kid!’ It’s got old Wonder Woman, Baby Superman—it’s like my Lone Wolf and Cub Batman story.”

So many questions from a few sentences come to mind. Why is Batman young and what happened to Gotham? Why is Superman a baby and why is Wonder Woman so old?Why can Joker’s head talk even after it is dismembered from his body?

While Snyder is heeding Morrison’s advice, he is literal.

“This isn’t really a death,” Snyder said. “But this is a closing a chapter in my version of Batman.”

Snyder has been a popular Batman writer in memory and is guiding the DCU through an invasion of Nightmare Batmen in DC Metal. Batman: Last Knight does not have a release date yet, but whenever it comes out, Snyder wants it to be his Batman swan song.

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