Zack Snyder’s Knightmare Batman Is A Part Of DC Canon


It’s formally announced that the trenchcoat Knightmare Batsuite featured in Batman v Superman is now a part of official DC Comics canon. It is a landmark day for DC Films Universe lovers. This is delightful for those fans who love to see new Batsuit versions getting added to Bruce Wayne’s repertoire. The apocalyptic, desert beaten costume that Ben Affleck had worn in Batman v Superman was one film adaptation which truly stood out, and despite the overall response to the movie, DC has now canonized a fantastic costume. As of now, the Knightmare Batsuit is a part of current Batman comic run.

If you are living in a separate universe than the ongoing Batman comic series, the Knightmare costume signifies more than just a desert ambiance. Bruce Wayne has proposed to Catwoman, and Selina Kyle has agreed to marry him. Thus, they need to face imminent death and not a happily ever after scenario. The situations might vary from the movie, but, writer Tom King and artist Joelle Jones have implied that’s what ‘Knightmare’ would mean.

The duo has to face Hell to reach their Heaven, and that’s because Bruce Wayne has been married before, though, not by his own choice. Sadly, nobody, not even Batman – divorces Talia Al Ghul, daughter of The Demon.

Still, Bruce Wayne seeks her in her far-flung, desert abode of Khadym with Catwoman alongside him and ready for a Knightmare:

Joelle Jones and coloristJordie Bellaire did a fabulous task of not only taking inspiration from, but, exactly replicating the KnightmareBatsuit created by Michael Wilkinson for the Zack Snyder movie. The cowl, goggles, scarf, coat, pants, and kneepads are all carefully designed. To stress the thought behind this Bruce Wayne illustration, several panels of Batman #34 show clear inspiration from Ben Affleck’s physique. One might say that it is because Affleck is by coincidence similar to what Bruce Wayne should have been, but, no matter what, the trio of King, Jones, and Bellaire have created something iconic that would please Batman v Superman fans for a long time to come.

Times have hardly ever been better for writers and artists aiming to pay respect or tribute to the famous adaptations of DC characters because that’s the spirit upon which they founded the Rebirth series. It’s aimed not just to refer to writers and artists of yesteryears, but to accept the legacy and create fresh stuff. In the Batman: Rebirth arc, it is a thought highlighted by Jones and Bellaire’s cover design of Batman #33 which was their start on the project. It shows Batman in his Knightmare costume riding a black horse – a direct ode to Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns and Snyder’s Dawn of Justice.

Comic book fans are aware that it is probably the first direct acceptance of the artistic and creative legacy of DC’s movie universe. One creative streak unleashes another, and that’s visible in the fact that Aquaman of the comics looks similar to Jason Momoa rather than to what he earlier did. It’s not too explicit as Arthur Corry has been sporting long hair and a beard earlier too, but, a hint that audiences and artists might have separate takeaways from a movie.

No matter whether Snyder’s ideas appeal to individual viewers or not, the tremors have been felt and will go on. No idea how long!

Batman #35is available now.

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