Top 10 Awesome Retro Game Ads.


Two grown-ups; Raiden and Kano, are going to pull you down for your lunch money. They could also yank you into the dangerous universe of Mortal Kombat. It could be both. When I used to take quarters from my mother’s coin jug and jump on to the bus to go play this at age 12, the photograph authenticity of the graphics had me snared like Scorpion’s kunai.



Now that we’re on the subject of Mortal Kombat: WHY, Johnny Cage, WHY?! Yes, it’s actually Daniel Pesina, who saw a trend coming up and settled on a decision. However, why BloodStorm? Such a variety of games had bounced on the blood surge of 90’s stun. Did nobody sense that the gimmick would play out? However, did BloodStorm look rad at the time? Perhaps!


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