‘Thor: Ragnarok’s Chris Hemsworth Takes On Jack Black’s Battle Of The Jams Challenge


During the filming of a new movie, Jack Black accused Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi of having stolen the classic Led Zeppelin track “Immigrant Song” in the recent film Thor: Ragnarok. He further challenged the actor to a “Battle of the Jams.” Hemsworth has responded to Black on social media and answered by admitting to the theft. This is what the Marvel star said:

You’re right, you got me,”stated Hemsworth. “Guilty as charged.”

Hemsworth revealed that he was willing to use a track by Tenacious D for that scene, “but as you said in your song, ‘this is not the greatest song in the world.’ So we moved on.”

Hemsworth quoted Oscar Wilde and also said that he didn’t really understand what a Battle of the Jams is. He appeared as if he didn’t know what challenge he was taking up. We wonder if he hasn’t seen the incredible slow-motion fight scene created by Black featuring Cate Blanchett and Eli Roth?

This whole issue got going when Black shared his video and alleged the theft committed by Thor film. He claimed that the trend of using “Immigrant Song” started way back in 2003’s funny movie School of Rock. Black then proceeded to follow the Jams challenge by sharing a video from the set of The House with a Clock in its Walls which also had actress Blanchett and director Roth chipping in on the phone.

It would be interesting to see which side Blanchett takes if the issue snowballs.

We look forward to Hemsworth and some other Avengers actors, to create their own slow-motion fight videos with the background score of Jimmy Page’s loud guitars, John Paul Jones’ bass, John Bonham’s rhythm of drums and Robert Plant’s deeply piercing shrieks.

We feel that Hemsworth has missed out on an opportunity here. He could have retaliated, but, rather responded with this innocuous video which is unlikely to let him escape. People deserve to see the lip-sync battle scene.

You can check Thor: Ragnarok in theaters now.

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