This Actor Is Going To Be The He-Man In Upcoming Reboot!


Nearly 3 decades have passed since He-Man received the big-screen treatment, which was in 1987’s delightfully campy (but not very good) Masters of the Universe, which starred Dolph Lundgren, a young Courtney Cox and Frank Langella, owning his role as Skeletor. Rumor has it that director McG has been involved in developing a reboot of Masters of the Universe since last January.
Now, we are not sure that it’s a good news or bad, because McG has been out of form from quiet some time and how can you forget his “Terminator Salvation” Debacle. But again, he has also gave us some good movies in the past, “Charlies Angels” movie series, those movies were really good take on the original series. Apart from this, it looks like McG’s Team’s search for perfect He-Man in the Hollywood has ended. Thanks to Twitter, a small morsel of news has been received on the cast of the He-Man……..


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