There Are Chances That We Will Get Flashpoint Batman And Joker In DC Cinematic Universe Soon.


Comic-Con was taken over by the Justice League Trailer reveal, and on the top of it, DC has just announced a spate of smashing DC heroes movies.  One of the biggest announcement was Flash’s solo film which will be based on Geoff John’s brilliant story arc “Flashpoint Paradox.” The Flashpoint series has been one of the best comic book stories of all time in the DC universe; it also has a very successful DC animated movie based on it.

And now, we have Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is THOMAS WAYNE in the DC Cinematic universe, just teased us that he might be the NEXT BATMAN. Batman’s father and her mother, Martha Wayne (Played by Lauren Cohan in DCU) have played a massive role in the Flashpoint Paradox.

In the Flashpoint storyline, Flash runs back in time to save his mother from dying, but this event changes many things in that timeline. There is no justice league, and most of the heroes act like tyrants. Bruce Wayne is dead, Thomas Wayne is now the Batman, who uses guns and kills his enemies.

Martha Wayne becomes the Joker after watching the traumatizing death of her only son Bruce Wayne. Now, if you’ve been following the news, you may have read that Ben Affleck is stepping down from the role of Batman.

This news has ruffled many feathers in the DC fandom, but Hollywood Reporter, who has initially reported this story has not named its source. They just said that they have heard from a reputable source about Ben Affleck departing from the franchise gracefully. Hollywood Reporter is one of the most legitimate news sites out there, and they have been in the business for quite some time, if they have written about it, then there is something going on behind the curtains. But there have been times in the past, where even Hollywood Reporter has been wrong about things, so yes, take this news with a grain of salt.

Now, the new twist in this whole controversy is Ben Affleck’s response to this report. He has explicitly confirmed that if Matt Reeves is directing a Batman movie would be definitely part of it, as he is highly interested in doing Matt’s version of Bats. May be it is possible that we may see two versions of Batman at the same time. But this story gets even more complicated because Jeffery Dean Morga has just released a super teasing image of him, and Lauren Cohan indicating their involvement in the Flashpoint movie or the events that follow through. Check out the tantalizing picture shared by Jeffery below.


It’s not uncommon for an actor to share his interest in playing a role with his followers on the social media, and Jeffery has been pitching for a Batman role from past couple of years. But as they say, if there is smoke, there has to be a fire somewhere. We will have to wait and see, how all these hazy arcs of DC cinematic universe will pan out in future.

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