‘Terminator 6’ Will Eliminate All Time Travel Mess


Everyone believes that Terminator franchise lost its way long time back. Several fans lost interest in the franchise when the easy to understand horror-thriller aspects of the initial James Cameron movies were followed by complicated sci-fi time travel stories of the follow-up movies as well as the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series.

However, Cameron is now back to produce the upcoming Terminator 6 which is going to be directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool). This gives a great deal of heart to fans about the franchise starting afresh, and Arnold Schwarzenegger has also given assurance to the fans that the franchise will indeed be revamped.

Time Travel Problems

During an interview with Business Insider, Schwarzenegger confessed that the extremely complicated premise of the Terminator saga had taken the life out of the franchise. This was highlighted when the Terminator: Genisys failed to impress cinegoers in 2015 despite trying to reboot the franchise (“It’s hard to come up with new ideas when you stay within that framework,”).

Then what is going to change about Terminator 6 which will appeal to the fans? Schwarzenegger says:

 “I think [James] Cameron, and Tim [Miller] came up with a concept where they can continue on with the T-800 but make a whole new movie. What they are doing now with this one is basically to just take a few very basic characters, like Linda Hamilton’s character and my character, and dismiss everything else. Just move away from all these rules of the timeline and other characters.”

This change means that Terminator 3-5 get kicked into an alternate timeline which is not going to be canon anymore. Linda Hamilton is coming back to pick up the threads from where she had left post-Terminator 2 and paving the way for a fresh continuity of the series.

Simply said, it won’t be difficult anymore for the fans to figure out the time travel puzzles for much longer.

Can you be trusted?

Since an actor has an obligation to promote an upcoming film, therefore, we have to be careful while believing something that a star says about his movies. We can never forget that Schwarzenegger is the same guy who had lavishly praised his comeback movie Terminator: Genisys by saying:

I think I really enjoyed this story when I read it. I think the people that were involved made me feel like I think this is going to be a good movie and they’re going to go all out with the project. It’s not just kind of like, “Let’s exploit this franchise and live off some of the great ones that were done in the past.” They really took it seriously. They really figured out a way of continuing on the story and kind of ignoring the last one [Terminator Salvation], basically.”

And what was the outcome? You got it.

Till the time we get to know more about the Terminator 6 storyline and what makes it special, we as fans are going to take it all with a pinch of salt. That’s what we advise for you as well.

Terminator 6 is likely to start filming in March 2018 and release in theaters on July 26, 2019.

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