Star Wars Episode VIII – 10 Things That We Already Know.

4. New Actor

Besides those who are returning and the new Del Toro villain A couple of other details are available to us about the cast,Two actresses, Laura Dern and Kelly Marie Tran are confirmed to have roles in the new Star Wars offering. For the moment though, that doesn’t mean too much. There is no surety whether they will be good or bad guys or even incidental characters. Another unknown factor is whether, they will appear on screen, under prosthetics, or with a voice role. The only sure thing is that, we know they’re in and that they are interesting choices. For those who did not know,Dern is of course best known for her role in Jurassic Park, while Tran is very much a relative newcomer.


3. Small Delays

Even though filming has only just begun, there has already been some delay. Due to bad weather, the shooting of some scenes have been postponed.Another reason for delay is script rewriting, which had pushed the original start date back. They finally did confirm that filming was underway on the 10th of February, and we hope that release date being moved back has allowed some breathing space for them. We hope that the delay has given ample time to sort out the script for good so that there is no future postponement because we certainly wouldn’t want to see it pushed back any further. 2018 is far too long to wait for another glimpse of this storyline. It may be wise to keep an eye out for further updates as we know, anything can happen(particularly when your actors are aging – hinting at, Harrison Ford).

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